Mildura Life Saving Club


Join the Club

There are many ways you can be part of the Mildura Life Saving Club.  From being an active patrolling member through to committee membership, Nippers, fundraising and event support.

Information on active patrolling members can be found here:

Membership Fees:

  • Individuals $35
  • Families $80

Current Members

Login to view information on upcoming patrols, patrol history and assessments/qualifications.


New Members

Click here if you would like to register to become a member of Mildura Surf Life Saving Club.

Become a Member


We may be a small club, but we can pull our own weight. During the 2021-2022 Summer Season between November 2021 and April 2022 more than 11,000 people visited Apex Beach to cool off and have a dip in Millewa-Murray River. Most of our visitors come to the beach during the school Holidays and long weekends, many staying at Apex Beach Holiday Park with their families.

Over the season, our 25 life savers:

  • volunteered more than 1000 hours over 41 Patrols (weekends and public holidays) (we are required to patrol 460 hours)
  • performed 24 rescues.
  • carried out 12,000 preventative actions
  • performed 19 minor first aid assistance including treating lacerations from powered watercrafts

These actions and commitments from our Life Savers made Mildura's Apex Beach the safest inland waterway in Australia


To be a patrolling member, we ask that you patrol a minimum of 25 hours over the season but try and commit to one weekend of patrols per month. Being on Patrol is a duty to our community and club and gives our life savers to opportunity to engage beach goers about water safety and how to spot risks in the river.


Mildura Surf Live Saving Club will have a select range of merchandise available for purchase soon.  We will have caps, polos and t-shirts.

Create a Members Area Account

Before you can register for training courses i.e. Bronze Medallion, Surf Rescue Certificate, IRB-Driver and IRB Crew you will need to create a Members Area Account.

It’s important to follow the steps in the ‘Member and Training Portal’ guide. This steps out how to create an account with SLSA and then to sync with your eLearning account. This will give you access to register for all courses available to Mildura LSC.  The ‘Using your SLS Members Area’ guide is quick run through of how to get the most out of your Members Area Account. 


You do not need a members area account to register for Nippers. To Register for Nippers head over to the Nippers page.

Download the

Member & Training Portal Guide

Download the

Using Your SLS Members Area Guide

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